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page 7 - Echos of Faith - Rally for Christ Thanx Fest
Holiday 2006
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It was a beautiful fun-filled day of joy. As the day began many, came out and celebrated an enjoyable afternoon, at the Echos of Faith World Outreach Ministries for the Thanx fest and the Rally for Christ event. There were booths from the Red Cross, police and fire departments the marine corp.  There was also a free food booth that gave to all that attended the event. Primerica also had representatives there. A great collection of hot rod motor vehicles were on display, with some drag cars and old but very sporty Chevy's were on display, motorcycle riders, drove in as part of the event main attraction. But nothing would have been without the great entertainers that performed thanks to RICK REYNA promoter of the Rally's for Christ event, Pastor Yancy, and Sr. Pastor Dr. Jim Willouby of Echos of Faith. Lots of great performers Francine Gonzales gave a very inspirational performance. Larissa Lam, who also performed, gave yet again a powerful, gifted, and motivational performance. Then when you thought that was it, a very talented singer named Devo, took the stage and boy did the excitement began, he gave an electrifying God blessed performance, with a little touch of hip-hop the Christian way. Then came the very soulful Gabby Mora who presented a very professional and touching performance, they all were fantastic. There also were contest, for chances to win TV's, DVD player, Bicycles, etc, CD's of the performers, T-shirts, hats, dolls, action figures and other great prizes. The community, really took to the compassion and love shown to them by those putting on the event, many told me they hoped to attend many other events here at Echos of Faith, they said it was a thrill to spend a day with prayer and music while the children played in the jumper that was also there as well all and all a great time a great day.
Echos of Faith’s Thanxfest, gave out 400 food boxes for Thanksgiving, ... An estimate of the days attendance  was 3,500.
Written by Marcus Palmer

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