A Christian Place Magazine
Holiday 2006
past issues
Become a Sponsor
Sponsor Promotions
Employment opportunities
Families in Need
Donate a home for our transitional living program
Transitional Living done Right!!!
Calendar of Events
Resources for those in need
Dr. James Dobson
entertainment review
book review
Contact Us
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A special thank you to our sponsors. Please visit or use their services as they have been a blessing to us.

Would you like to help us help others?  Our next issue will come out January 2007.  The deadline to be included in our sponsor pages will be Dec 1, 2006.  If you would like to be a sponsor and receive recognition in our printed issue as well as our website please contact us by Dec 1, 2006.  It it our goal to assist families in our community through resource and referrals to the organizations that assist needy families.  We will put two families in our upcoming issue and request assistance for them.  It is our hope and prayer that the community will step up and assist these families who are in such distress.  If you would like to be a sponsor there are many ways to do this.
1. Through sponsorship in which you will recieve space in the printed magazine as well as the website.
2. Through directly assisting the families we can put you in touch with.
3. Donate a van that will enable us to deliver more food, clothes and neccesities to more families, provide transportation to families in need.
4.  What ever assistance you feel led to give.
  You will bless others with your gift.  Thank you.

Art of Eloquence




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