Enough Already! By Dr. Ted Baehr, Publisher of MOVIEGUIDE®
For the last few days, my email box has been deluged by reviews from so-called
Evangelical Christian sources touting a New Age, occult movie called CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD. This movie was produced and directed
by a man named Stephen Simon who is a relentless proponent of New Age movies through his organization called the Spiritual
Cinema Circle. What is strange is that this movie, to which MOVIEGUIDE® gave only one star and a Minus Four, has received
oohs and aahs from the reviewers of other evangelical movie sites.
These reviews raise the question: Has the Evangelical
church gone the way of God's frozen chosen mainline denominations?
When I was in a mainline seminary in New York in
the mid 1970s, the ecumenical Thursday night service was led by a white witch who was introduced by the Bishop of New York.
The Indian faker Sri Chinmoy, who claimed to be able to levitate, gave the Easter service and the Lucifer Trust established
their headquarters at the cathedral of St. John the Divine.
Most of the frozen chosen were oblivious to this occult,
Luciferian takeover of the mainline churches. Those with a modicum of faith came to realize 25 years later (and too late)
that these denominations were dead, and therefore started splinter groups, which are now reviving the biblical faith.
sea of so many emails touting Luciferian movies like CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD is a heartbreaking déjà vu indicating that the
Evangelical church is turning into the church of “Do what you want” of Aleister Crowley, the New Age Satanist,
faster than the New York Times predicted two weeks ago.
Like Telemachus, all we can say is, “Stop! And, wake
up to the Good News and to the deliverance that only come through Jesus Christ and His holy Word written.”