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A Woman of Faith
Being single, I often think about love.  I imagine what my life would look  like if I had a 'significant other'.  My Valentine's wouldn't be known as  my "Single Awareness Day."  Weddings wouldn't be another painful reminder that I don't have a date.  Friday and Saturday nights wouldn't feel so never-ending.  And, going home to visit my parents wouldn't always be such a chore.  Having someone in my life would finally validate my announcement to the world: There is someone that loves me and thus allows me to finally have a night alone and not feel so lonely, because it is my choice to be by myself! But, just as I have grown quite fond of the traditional Cinderella story, where Prince Charming is only a pumpkin away and the dress I will wear to the ball won't nearly make my hips look so round, I've realized that just because I don't have a ring on my finger, my life is not void of love.  Everyday I am given the unique opportunity to love without distraction.  I am given the opportunity to spend a bit more time with a hurting friend that just found that her mother has breast cancer because I don't have a child to pick up at school at 3:00pm.  I have an opportunity to serve at the homeless shelter on Saturday afternoons because I don't need to help my husband reorganize the garage.  In essence, I have the unique opportunity to be completely selfish with my time and thus able to serve the Lord whole-heartedly.
When I see all that I have been given, I am able learn to love others well as I recognize my hurts, hang-ups and habits so that I in turn, can fill the gap between a hurting heart and the Lord's gracious forgiveness. 
There is much love in my life.  The Lord has not forgotten me.  In fact, it is the exact opposite.  He is jealous for my time.  He is desperate for me to know where true love is found, not in a man of statue that can hold my hand, but in a God that created all of this and more.  He is my love story.

The 11th Hour
This magazine has been designed, promoted, and succeeded by the Hand of God.  In the 11th hour, (and you know that hour, when it feels like you are about to hit the wall.)  God like a flashing light, like the dawning of day comes in and makes it all ok.  I think He really loves to live life on the edge.  Because He keeps us there all the time.  He loves for us to depend on Him and make sure we know we had nothing to do with the success.  It's all about Him.  A Christian Place Magazine is at the 11th hour right now as I am writing this article.  By the time you read it, it will have been the dawning of day.  And as usual with God's almighty and awesome power you will be reading this because He came in the 11th hour to save the day.  So that in the dawn we will see His Glory and know that He is God.  Through out the Bible he says, "So that you will know that I AM God."  He wants us to know that He is God and we are the vessels He uses for His purpose.  I will never be about us or our dreams.  Our dreams were planted by Him in our hearts.  He is the creator we are the products.  He created each of us as He had planned.  The talents, dreams and desires He planted in us long before we were ever thought of.  You are uniquely designed to be what He planned.  So when you think of your dreams and goals, see where he is in your life.  Let Him be the focus and desire.  Seek His face for in that He shall make your dreams come true.  After all, He planted them in you, why would He do that if He didn't plan to use you in that way.  A Christian Place Magazine is truly a devine appointment for us to be used by God.  Your stories and testimonials are devine appointments to be shared and to show the Glory of God.   The bible said He will finish every thing he started. “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus Philippians 1:6.” We are honored to be a part of His purpose and to be able to share your testimonials with the world.  As He is using you today know that Jesus said He will never leave you nor forsake you.  You are not alone as you walk that long rode.  You are not alone in the 11th hour.  Your father in Heaven is watching you and as a loving father is guiding and taking care of you.  So when you are walking in His purpose and seeking His face, know that He will carry you through.  Hold on, till the end.  That is where the reward is.  It's not in the middle of the race but at the end of the race that you win.  As you are reading this let the record show its our 11th hour.  But by God's hand we claim victory in Jesus name and this issue is designed and paid for by the Hand of God Himself.  Amen.

Ladies, Do you want to go to Women of Faith in Las Vegas with A Christian Place Magazine??
The first 20 women to place a subscription for  A Christian Place Magazine  will receive free tickets to the Women of Faith Conference in Las Vegas.  So hurry and be one of the winners.   909-476-0551

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A Christian Place Magazine is going on a cruise
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