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For His Glory  Matthews has produced a documentary entitled "Lord let this nightmare be over. A Family  in crisis."  The purpose of this documentary is to bring awareness to the problem of homelessness as well as the lack of help for the homeless and the needy. Also to encourage others who may be facing the same challenge. Devine, who is an evangelist, writer and producer relocated to California along with her family to pursue her dream of being in the entertainment industry. But that has become secondary after they lost their jobs as property managers and suddenly found themselves sitting in a gas station parking lot late one night, homeless with no gas, money or food and nowhere to turn for help. She says, "By the grace and mercies of God we are still standing and we count it all joy. We have now found our purpose and believe that God has raised up our ministry for such a time as this."  She adds, "Psalm 12: 5 says, For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now will I arise, saith the Lord." Through their ordeal God has birthed their ministry, 4 His Glory Ministries.  "The goal of our outreach ministry is to prevent homelessness as well as provide the needy with food, clothes and hotel vouchers. Eventually, our plan is to have a transitional facility that will house homeless families, provide them with job training and help them to get back on their feet, her husband Deon said."   The documentary is in post production and will address studies and reasons for homelessness. It will take a look at this family's own personal struggles while being homeless. The lack of help, concern and compassion among organizations especially some churches. To those who may be going through this situation Devine says, "Please know that God is with you and he will arise to deliver you. He promised never to leave you or forsake you. Know that the Lord is your refuge and strenght, a very present help in the time of trouble."  On July 17, 2004, 4 His Glory Ministries will be remembering the needy by distributing care packages to homeless and needy  families. The packages will include soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, food and meal certificates, gasoline cards, phone cards and words of  encouragement. For more information about this documentary or if  you would like to help them, contact Devine at 909.238.8363. This family would like to thank the few who stepped up and showed them the compassion of JESUS CHRIST! Matthew 7: 12  Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.   Psalm 41:1 Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. Devine relocated out here to (southern sunny california).   THE YOUTH UNLIMITED SHOW IS ON THE RISE! It's positive, it's new and it's fresh. Claremont, California (April 30, 2004) - The Youth Unlimited Show will be airing on Comcast cable every Friday night at 6:00 pm on channel 29. It will be produced by U Can Publications and will be targeted toward youth between the ages of 12-19 years of age. The Producer and Creator of the show, Devine Matthews says, "Frankly I am sick and tired of all the sex, violence, profanity and negativity that our young people are exposed to in the media."  She continues, "I no longer wanted to sit back, complain and be a spectator. But I wanted to get up off the side lines and be a participator in the game and do whatever I can to bring positive entertainment along with resources, information and help to our youth who are our future."  The show will deal with issues and topics that affect young people such as peer pressure, jobs for teens, teen gun violence, religion, fashions, alcohol, drug and tobacco prevention also interviews with positive and successful people. Carina Harmon will be hosting the Youth Unlimited Show. She is a bright young lady with a great and exciting future ahead. U Can Productions will also be heading a massive media campaign against alcohol, drugs and tobacco use. We will be producing some powerful Public Service Announcements that will appear on radio, television, posters and billboards. We will put the posters in schools and youth centers. If you would like additional information about the show or if you would like to help us get this anti alcohol, drug and tobacco message out. Please give Devine a call at  909.625.8453.