Maximum Impact Simulcast
at Echos of Faith World Outreach
The Qualities of a Leader. What does that mean to you? How does one find what it takes to be a leader?

These are questions we all ask at one time or another. Can I be a leader and how do I affect others around me. The truth is we affect others whether we acknowledge it or not. The
only question is How? The maximum impact simulcast of “The Qualities of
A Leader” at Echos of Faith truly had an impact on everyone who came. Mark
Sanborn, author of The Fred Factor, talked about the Fred Factor. Fred is the postman who delivered mail for 25yrs to Mark’s home growing up. Fred’s compassion, commitment in doing an ordinary job affecting lives of so many. Though he may be considered ordinary he truly was an extraordinary leader.
Mark said to put humanity in leading and service. Everything is built
on relationship and caring. John Maxwell, best selling author and founder of
Maximum Impact said the secrets to success are in our daily agenda. TODAY MATTERS. Making important decisions on attitude and setting priorities. Too many people spend time trying to work on their weaknesses. John
said work on your strengths that is where your talent is. Zig Ziglar best selling
author and motivational expert was a treat. He said leaders lead with character. “Leaders feed on what they learn from others.
Grow yourself and then grow your people. They will grow your business. Do every thing with integrity then you won’t have fear of guilt. Concentrate on the solutions. Leaders are listeners and learners.
He said you can have everything you want if you help others get what they want. You
don’t build a business you build people. Leaders develop other leaders. He
said get big goals. If you fail, change courses and try again. Expect to win and receive it. Make a plan. Know your competition
and love the fight. Always have a bigger vision that you can see. Then grow towards it. Pat Wooden winningest female coach in
basketball history was another tremendous speaker. She said to have passion in
what you do. She also asked, “Could you work for you?” If you can’t then you need to change. It’s important
to develop relationships. Everyone has a role and they are all important. Everyone on your team needs to know they are valuable to you. She said to discipline you so no one else has to. Practice
and repetition brings perfection or at least strive toward it. She said there
are no short cuts. Hard work will bring results.
Take time to take care of yourself so you have balance and treat others with love and kindness. She wants to be known
at a teacher of life skills. Coach John Wooden The winningest coach in basketball history.
He said to never think of you as better than anyone else. Give your best
and be enthusiastic in what you do. When you do your best you will have success. He discussed the cornerstones of success are to be industrious and enthusiastic. The foundation is built on friendship, loyalty and cooperation. He said to build a solid foundation on self control, alertness, initiative and intentness. The heart (condition, skill, and team spirit) directs the group.
When nearing the peak just be yourself, have confidence and enjoy when it’s difficult. West Point leader Lt.
General William Lennox said focus on academics, learning how to lead others, athletics to be physically fit, honor code to
respect others and their values. Seek to accomplish the mission and make sure
you know the direction you want to go. Keep your values as you lead and grow. Executive Panel was made up of Steve Reinemund, Chairman and CEO of Pepsico, Inc.,
Thomas Chapmen, Chairman and CEO of Equifax, Inc., Eric Pillmore Senior Vice President Corporate Governance, Tyco International
and Michael Duke President and CEO of Wal-Mart stores (USA). They said balance
is important. Surround yourself around people who have the same passions as you
do. Set time aside for self development and prayer. Be accountable to your faith
and your family. Treat others better than they treat you. Communicate your values and be consistent. Build a place that
people want to come to. Build a work area that is a place workers like to be. Build up your team. Make then happy and
strong and your company will be strong and passionate for your goals and mission. Business men and women walked away with
useful tools to grow and pass on to others. We walked away with visions, goals,
and focus. You can succeed if you look to do your best with integrity and passion. And you can build an empire if you build relationships and help build others around
you to grow with you. PHOTOS from top to bottom: Speaker: Jorge Verdugo Top National
Leader for Primerica. Second photo from right:
Richard Shakarian, International President of the full Gospel Businessman Fellowship International, Staff Pastor Marty Celaya, Dwayn Martin Businessman, Stephen Bezuidenhout Businessman.
