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Inland Valley Council of Churches
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Inland Valley Council of Churches

(formerly Pomona Inland Valley Council of Churches

 They come from every spectrum of the community from doctors, lawyers, warehouse workers to students.  They spend their time coming together for one cause, To Feed the Hungry,  To put a smile on someones face less fortunate.  Its such a wonderful feeling to see the joy in a parents face when we are able to help them..  says Denise Palmer.  The volunteers at IVCC rage from teen to 90 plus years.  They bring with then a smile and a heart of love to pass on to the people who come for help.  Many families need that little help to make the food budget meet.  Most of them have little or no money left for food.  Many families work but do not make enough.  There are also homeless that come for assistance.  The homeless range form single men and women to families with children.  Believe it or not they also work and some are even in college.  Trying to make ends meet in an economy that has been difficult for these families.  IVCC provides services to help meet the needs of the poor.  The heart of IVCC is the volunteers.  The love comes from their hearts.

            The Inland Valley Council  of Churches operates as an organization that bases its programs on the needs of the clients, and then finds the funding to meet those needs.  These programs include our Food Security Program, HomeStart Transitional Living, Our House Emergency Shelter, Farmers Market, and PASS (Pomona Access to Social Services) office.  In addition to the basic services of each program, there are several support services also available.

             We are the Inland Valley Council of Churches, annually serving over 70,000 people through our five core programs in twelve cities located in two counties.   If you would like further information regarding our service programs or to make a tax deductible contribution, please contact Jody Gmeiner at 909-622-3806, ext. 223.