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Adult Mental Health, Community Hospital of San Bernardino   (800) 962-4357

Psychiatric facility serving residents of San Bernardino County.  Offers an extensive clinical program that is designed to provide acute, short-term inpatient psychiatric care, rendering both comprehensive diagnostic and treatment services to patients 18 years and older.



Alternative Avenues         (909) 920-5518


Bilingual Family Counseling     (909) 986-7111

317 W. F St, Ontario, CA 91762

Provides professional chemical dependency and co-dependency counseling for individuals, families, and groups.  Programs include marriage counseling, life crisis intervention, child play therapy, parenting classes, senior citizens needs, drug prevention and education.  Services provided in Spanish and English. 


Caritas Counseling Catholic Charities (909) 370-1293

Provides marriage, family and child counseling and parenting & anger management groups.  Fee based on a sliding scale.  Limited Spanish  assistance available.


Catholic Charities   (909) 391-1617

Broad range of human services to meet the needs of the poor and disadvantaged of all age groups including food and shelter, child care, counseling, utility and rental assistance, job placement, preventative services, immigration, athletics for youth and public benefits application advocacy.


Chino Human Services  (909) 591-9822

13271 Central Avenue, Chino, CA 91710

Provides professional counseling to children aged 5 to 18 and their families.  Parenting classes, anger management, drug diversion, court referrals and penal code 1000 are handled. 


Chino Multiple Diagnosis Clinic     (909) 590-5355

Mental health services for children only.  Also accepts adults with dual diagnosis (having both chemical dependency & mental health needs).  Offers sliding scale fee option.

Behavioral Health only:

Rancho Clinic  (909) 481-4216

Upland Clinic  (909) 579-8100


Clinebell Institute (909) 624-7130

211 W. Foothill Blvd., Claremont, CA 91711

Offers spiritually centered counseling by trained pastoral counselors for individuals, couples, families, or groups at the Claremont United Methodist Church.  Fees based on a sliding scale.


Family Service Agency of San Bernardino  

 (909) 822-3533

Provides professional counseling, family education, crisis and information hotlines, domestic violence groups and interventions treatment programs for high-risk youth.


Inland Behavioral & Health Services  (909) 881-6146

Provides physical health care, substance abuse treatment, mental health improvement, homeless services and prevention education.


Laurel Counseling Center (909) 983-7120

233 N. Laurel, Ontario, CA 91762

Provides specialized counseling for women.  Also counsels children, adolescents and adults, including womens support groups.  Spanish services are available.    Offers sliding scale.


Olive Branch Counseling Center    (909) 989-9030

9033 Baseline Rd., Ste. A, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730

Counseling on a sliding scale basis, tutoring, neurofeedback (drug-free treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder), teen anger program, and mediation.


Ontario Pregnancy Counseling Center                             (909) 988-9555

24-Hour Hotline(909) 985-0205

Offers free pregnancy testing, counseling, layettes and other baby items if available, as well as links to financial services.  Also attends health fairs and makes presentations to community groups.  All services are free and confidential.  Services available in Spanish.


Safe House for Kids (909) 351-4418

Provides shelter for troubled youth ages 12-17years.  Offers a two-week voluntary program, which offers counseling, support, and public speakers.


Samaritan Counseling Center(909) 985-0513

Provides individual, couple, child and family professional counseling, parenting classes and related psychological services in a faith-based atmosphere. Offers sliding scale payment option.

Tough Love         (800) 333-1069

Local contacts    (909) 780-8576

                     (909) 600-0876

Services for parents troubled by unacceptable behavior of their pre-teen, teen or adult child.


Upland Community Counseling

 Center   (909) 579-8100

934 N. Mountain Ave, Suite C, Upland, CA 91786

Family and individual counseling for low-income families.  Services primarily for children; services for adults are limited and focus mainly on those who are severely mentally ill.  Medi-Cal and County Insurance accepted.


Walden Family Services (909) 788-5905

3576 Arlington Ave, Ste. #203, Riverside, CA 92506

Provides placement, treatment, and advocacy services for children with emotional, behavioral and/or developmental challenges.


West End Family Counseling (909) 983-2020


855 North Euclid Ave, Ontario, CA 91762

Provides low-cost community mental health including individual, family, and group counseling, certified treatment for perpetrators of domestic violence, parent education classes and school-based services.  Offers sliding scale payment option.