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Phophecy: What is it and its different aspects?
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Prophecy:  What is it and its different aspects?
Prophecy is speaking the mind of Christ to the people of God and hearing directly from the Lord.  It is a little different from preaching the word of God.  According to toe word of God, Rev 10:19, the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus Christ.  Ministers are preachers who preach the word.  However, the sense of prophecy is on another level where prophecy can be compared to the Lord speaking to people's lives.  It enhances the move of God in our lives.  It gives us wisdom and direction for the now.  Prophecy also speaks the future of God according to the purposes of God for our lives.  There is a difference between a psychic and a prophet.  A prophet will speak to you concerning God and his perfect will for your life.  On the other hand, the psychic speaks only of material and worldly things that do not benefit your spiritual man.  Prophecy has a concern for you, your future and your destiny with God.  It helps us avoid pitfalls and disasters.  Prophecy speaks your end or completion in God.  A perfect example would be my own personal testimony.  Back in 1980 I was bound by crack cocaine, and a man of God called me out during a church service and spoke a word of prophecy to me.  He said.  Thus saith the Lord, you shall be delivered, there is hope in Jesus Christ and you shall be a man of God."  The prophetic word spoken over my life encouraged my faith and I believed and knew with in my self that God wanted me delivered from crack cocaine.   So the prophetic word encourages, edifies and prepares us for God's special plans in our lives.
This is a first part of a series on prophecy.  See our next issue in April 2005 for the series from End Time Prophetic Ministries,
Written by Apostle James Miller
End Time Harvest International

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