Have you ever wondered how you are going to make it from one month to another. We have been with out my husbands paycheck
since September. The only income was $900 a month for a family of seven. The money was enough to pay the rent and part of
the utilities. Each month we had no money for gas for the car, food, telephone and parts of the utilities. We had no money
for anything extra like shoes for the children's feet. With Christmas we had no money for presents. Early in September I learned
of food lines to stand in. Although I dreaded to stand I did. I learned of a couple of lines and I stood in all of them. The
food wasn't what maybe I wanted but it helped our family make it from one month to another. We were blessed on Thanksgiving
with more than we ever imagined. We ended up with 3 turkeys. This was enough meat to make it through December. Somehow even
though I didn't want to stand in the lines I always would meet someone who had helpful advise or I found myself having advice
for them. I know I am truly blessed because one year ago in July we were homeless with no way to even find a place to live.
Today we live in a mobile home with five bedrooms. So yes God has been good. Even though this has been a tight year, being
homeless for seven months last year showed me that even if I have no food to feed my children pay the rent with my every penny.
Then let God provide the rest. And how He has been so faithful. Some might say that Christians shouldn't struggle and what's
wrong with us. I know I have learned a lot this year and with out the struggle I wouldn't know God as I do today. No I didn't
enjoy it but I have more today than I ever imagined. Ten years ago when my teenagers with just in elementary I prayed to get
a job in the schools so I could work while they were in school. Well because I went through the financial difficulties of
last year and we moved to a mobile home park that I said I would never move into. My 9 year old ended up going to an elementary
school that is one of the best in the area. I also went to the school and asked for a job. One month later I was hired as
a resource person to help parents on CALWORKS. All the struggles that I went through have now been an asset. I now know of
places to go to help others. I also know how to help others going through homelessness. I found four homeless families this
Christmas and when asked what can we do for them for Christmas I knew answers I wouldn't of known if I hadn't been homeless
before. I knew the mothers fears and also had some answers although not all. I also am trying to volunteer to work on some
project to help the homeless in our community. None of things would I be doing if I didn't experience homelessness first hand.
Today I have so much to be thankful for. God is so good. I just want to say if you are going through something know that it
is never in vain. God uses everything for His Glory. Just put your faith in Jesus and watch the miracles come to light. Be
open to use your struggles to help others. One thing I learned in helping others you help yourself. Example: I had no money
to buy not one gift for my children. Yet God gave my toys to give to so many other children. He also allowed me to learn of
places to go so my children could have toys. None of these things would of been available to me had I not been trying to get
toys for other children. In turn God gave to my own children. That's how it works. Our PTA wanted to know of needy families
for food baskets and I never put my name. Yet on the last day of school there was one extra basket and the PTA lady told me
she was looking to give it to a needy family. I heard God say to me you have not because you ask not. So I told her I knew
of a family and it was me. She gave me the basket and a turkey too. Again God blessed me while I was trying to help others.
When I was homeless and trying to help others I was told by many, how can you help others and you can't even feed your own
children. That was just the devil trying to make me bitter. But instead the more I helped others the more God gave to my own
family. No matter what the situation. Be an open vessel God can use. Look how your own experiences have enabled you to help
someone else. This year look to help someone. You will be amazed at the blessings with your diligence.